Watch the Film!

Whispering Spirits tells the story of Justin Veatch, a talented musician who tragically died of a drug overdose at the age of seventeen. The film follows Jeffrey, Justin's father, as his family grapples with their devastating loss while reconnecting with him through the music he left behind.


Through the suport of Reconsider, Whispering Spirits is available for screenings at coalition events, community forums, PTA meetings, classroom discussions and student assemblies.

The film is already in over 150 communities across 36 states.

The documentary comes with a discussion guide to stimulate action on preventing youth substance use and to generate conversation about the consequences for youth, families, and the community. It is our hope that this film combined with its discussion guide will become a tool to address youth substance use and the heroin crisis in your community.

Discussion Guide for TEENS/STUDENTS
Discussion Guide for ADULTS/PARENTS

Discussion Guide Authored by Ellen Morehouse, LCSW, CASAC, CPP
Executive Director, Student Assistance Services Corporation


$20 includes shipping with proceeds going to The Justin Veatch Fund.



Sean Gallagher

Director & Editor

Justin Drobinski

Director of Photography

Justin Veatch

Original Music & Score

Executive Producer: Stephen Apkon | Reconsider - www.reconsider.org

“Whispering Spirits uniquely approaches a subject that is often kept quiet in many suburban communities. Unlike many documentaries about losing a loved one to heroin, Whispering Spirits’ perspective has the ability to more profoundly raise awareness to young and old alike of how easy someone can fall prey to this epidemic. Our screening attracted a full representation of our community from school administrators, students, parents, health professionals, musicians, artists, to recovering addicts. It also allowed us to make the easy link to the array of health-related resources in our backyard that many were unaware of.”
— Suzie Ross, Co-Founder, Ossining Documentary and Discussion Series

“Whispering Spirits provided a unique opportunity to share a genuine portrayal of the tragic loss of a talented teen who had many friends and came from a loving and supportive family. This film helps to remove the stigma of drug addiction by realizing who can fall prey to substances and who can help. This documentary and presentation impacted our community to get more involved through education and awareness as community responders who change the culture from ‘look the other way’ to a ‘count on me’ approach”
- Tricy Cushner, President and CEO, Alliance for Safe Kids, Inc.

“Whispering Spirits with its tool kit including a discussion guide is a compelling and effective way for coalitions to make a link between marijuana and heroin; and position themselves in a leadership role to tackle the heroin and opioid crisis”
- Ellen Morehouse, Student Assistance Services Corp.

For More Information, Please Email: info@whispering-spirits.com
Visit Us On Facebook - www.facebook.com/whisperingspiritsfilm
For more information on The Justin Veatch Fund, please visit www.thejustinveatchfund.org

Jeffrey Veatch, Justin's father, also presents "A Message from Justin",
a multimedia talk designed for student assemblies and the classroom.
For more information, please visit A Message from Justin
or contact Scott Wolfman at Wolfman Productions (800) 735-4933


Jeffrey speaks to high school students

Justin's goal for high school graduation

Justin's D.A.R.E. card

Justin recording in his basement studio

Artwork created by Andrew Kaminski

The Journal News - 9/9/08